Where would someone start looking if he is thinking of moving to CLE?
In terms of house (and job) hunting? Someone told me a while back that detached homes there could be found for about $100k. Is that still true?
Prices are definitely on the uptick. Really depends on where you want to live.
Cleveland Heights has the cheapest housing and the most yeshivish community. But it's older and less safe. And taxes are high.
University Heights has cheap housing and shares shuls with Beachwood. There are 4 massive shuls all next door to each other along with several other small options.
UH has high taxes and poor services though lots of house bargains.
Beachwood houses are pricier though property and income taxes are lower and services are top-notch. By services I mean ambulance/fire/police response is under 60 seconds. Beachwood plows your sidewalk free of charge. Beachwood has is on-demand garbage pickup besides for the weekly pickup. And there are no point of sale housing inspections unlike the mamzeirim in CH/UH.
Beachwood houses are also easier to rent/sell in the future as the school system is one of the best in the state versus UH having one of the worst.
But if you want something for $100K you'll probably have to settle on CH/UH.