The whole article can be in the speechless thread. Agents don't drive demand, demand drives demand! If supply exceeded demand then the best agents in the world couldn't get people to overpay.
In Crown Heights there was an attempt starting in the late 80s to control the demand by creating רשימת הבתים. I remember many details about it, and actually used it when I bought my house (ended up paying $16,000 over my original offer in 1997 due to someone deciding to ignore the list and offering over my original offer. I was lucky that he tried to flip it to a friend of mine who knew that I was trying to buy that house, so I knew who to call to Beis Din. He backed off as soon as he was called but the damage was done).
Back in the day I had notes regarding the establishment, running, and suggestions for improvement, but I don't think I've kept any of them.
It was abolished later on when demand was growing from non-Jewish buyers as well.