There are many things that have been done over the years to save untold amount of lives from hurricanes and tsunamis. The same can and must be done about these mass massacres!!!
Man has free will, nature does not. Nature can be predicted, and thus prepared for; man can make unpredictable decisions.
Let's say you ban guns... what's gonna happen when some idiot goes nuts with a buzz saw in a McDonalds? You're gonna ban that, too? What if someone drives an SUV onto a sidewalk crowded with children, G-d forbid? Will you then ban vehicles? How about using fertilizer and fuel to make a homemade bomb? The list goes on and on...
People can get very creative and very crazy. To compare a murderer to a storm is ludicrous. You can predict what a storm will do, and guard against it. But unless your want to live in a police state where owning so much as a hammer will require a license, you can't predict what a person can do if he flies off the handle, and thus can't defend yourself from a madman as easily as you can from a storm.