I real all 9 pages, what I did not see mentioned, maybe because I will assume its a frum convo.
You need to read on the constitutional convention on what the founding fathers intended, read the federalist and anti federalist papers.
Personal liberty, freedom of tyranny, to protect home and hearth. Its crazy that the heimishe world never gets this, after hitler and stalin you figure people would believe in the right to bear arms.
Self defense was the vital aspect in the foundation of the nation, whether from government intrusion or individuals.
We live in a society of law and order, actually the masses having been bought off by free stuff having given up their freedom.
Free food, free shelter, free health care, free phone.. wards of the state, watch what happens if food stams are stopped.. riots will abound.
The fact is, as horrific as mass murders are, they pale in comparison to the killings of the 20th century by organized leaders
From Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol pot, African genocide and so on..