Total Members Voted: 156
with the latest attack over the past Shaboss do you think i stand a chance getting a license in NY? also is there anyone here with a NYC license that can guide me or provide tips?
New York state isn't so hard, NYC on the other hand is impossible.
Realistically, what does it cost to go from noob to someone who is safer with a gun in a shooting than without? Including classes, gun, ammo, range hours, etc? (Plus applicable licensing fees which presumably vary)
What about just keeping a few guns inside a shul, and members don't take the guns outside shul? Also impossible?
I don't think anyone can give you a number on that, and it depends on the person. What's it cost to become a great public speaker? Depends on the person...As for a guesstimate, Maybe around $1.5k if you want to do it right. But can be as low as $500 if you pick it up quick and are a quick study... (A friend of mine does this for a living, I'll ask him...)
defibrillator + gun combo kit
Two things I strongly believe every shul should have, with people trained to use both...So what do you guys think, should we start posting gun deals on DDMS?
Perhaps we can start with a write-up of how to go about obtaining a license or a concealed-carry permit in states like NY?
Just like no matter how much you spend some individuals will never be great speakers. The same is true about gun owners but with deadly consequences.
Any worse then posting pregnancy tests?
Only issue, is as stated above. A gun is registered to an owner, and any use of it is the liability of said owner
You'll need a license to buy said guns. If my name is associated with a gun, I'm not going to let it just sit around so anyone could take it and commit a crime which will automatically associate me.