True. But Syria is in a constant state of war with Israel (#trueevenifitdidnthappen), as opposed to the US, who they don't like, but aren't actively trying to pick a fight with.
There are
many reasons why Israel can't get involved with Syria, Strength is only one of them. Israel is not the US. Even the US would not go in without world backing.
All these things are obvious to most.
For someone to equate Israel with the US in terms of not being allies with Syria is the epitomy of clulesness. The US had an ambassador there up until a little while ago. The US has many contacts who are allies with Syria. The US has world esteem and power. Syria is still contesting the Golan Heights. Syria a mere 40 years ago attacked Israel. Israel is Syria's neighbor and can't afford to get rockets lobbed into it's cities through syrian and it's allie Iran proxies like hezbollah, hamas,. etc; etc;
Don't expect the other member to understand, When someone could miss the boat so much and take my sarcasm and my showing that the world indeed is not interested in Syria, as anti amricanism, it speaks volumes about his comprehension skills.