Does anyone have a TR for Bermuda?Looking into going around Thansgiving weekend with wife & baby. Obviously I know I'd need to bring kosher meals. Is that a big hassle with customs?What activities are there to do?
How about Rosewood Tucker's Point?Looks like the newest and nicest place in BDA. Anyone?
Food is no problem.
any restaurants to buy food at all?
No Uber there I assume everyone just uses cabs?
Any updated tips for Bermuda?@coralsnake No Uber there I assume everyone just uses cabs?
Bring food. Many attractions are closed during the offseason. It's a pretty small island. They drive on the left side of the street. What else do yowe want to know?
Any recommendations for a hotel here?
Going in a week, anything not to miss?
Thinking of taking a 2-3 night trip here to use my Fairmont nights. Hamilton princess or Southampton?Also only have 2 free nights so if I stay for 3rd I’m not sure if I find a cheaper place or shel out big bucks!
guy in the fairmont cert thread claims he used 2 certs with 3rd night free before.
There is kosher milk, creamcheese and yogurt (OU-D) in markets. We took stuff with us. Prices are at least double US. Fairmont Gold lounge has Kosher yogurt (and milk) and Kelloggs cereal . Didn't ask for cream cheese, but all products are US.