How much is a No parking 8am to 6pm ticket in Manhattan?
I got $115 for No Standing so I imagine it's the same.
Does anybody KNOW if the top sign is No Parking or if it's No Standing?
FWIW if you are using it to drop off a child to school and get a ticket, school might be able to issue a letter or something to say you are an authorized vehicle.
Nope, I have commercial plates & can park at all No Parking spots (except handicapped), but I can't park at most No Standing spots.
How does commercial plates allow for parking in "no parking"?Thanks
If you have a deal with the city (as my employer has) there is no limit, afaik.
then what's stopping you from parking in a no standing?
White with red letters is no parkingRed with white letters is no standing
Thanks, never knew that. Source please?
I don't have proof but that's what the instructor in my defensive driving course said