I no longer get the sms notifications on my iphone. Every time I try to follow again it says that I will now get them and right away I get the last deal but nothing after. Any advice?
Need your LG Exalt fixed? Cracked in half? Water damage? Or parts to repair yourself. 347.201.2501
Unfollow, delete your number, add your number, refollow and enable notifications.
I've been getting a lot of your tweets split into multiple texts, even though they are well under 160 characters.
My iPhone has no such problems.
Curious to know if Twitters number is a universal number meaning can one text that number while in Israel or will he be charged as if your texting a u.s. number?
https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/supported-mobile-carriersIsrael doesn't seem to be listed, so it may not work at all.
seems like i haven't received any twitter mobile notification on my google voice number since 4/12....anything changed?
Trying to follow DansDeals via SMS to 40404 like it says on the front of the site and getting prompt that "follow command is no longer supported". What am I doing wrong?