How long is the DMZ trip from airport and back? Anything else worth making a longer stop for?
How much time do you have? IIRC our actual tour was around 6-7 hrs. It depends on which areas of the DMZ you see.
Right now my SO is ~2 hours. Want to know if i should look into extending that so i can go out and see something. DMZ would be interesting to visit. Do you recall how much the tour was pp?
sorry I don't recall. Wasn't a fortune, I would guess under 200 for 2 ppl (could be off). What are your other options?
Nothing as of now. If i take the two hour layover, i end up in CNX around 10 PM. Figure nothing would be happening when i arrive, so i should try and stay longer in ICN.
Considering a full day stopover in ICN, arriving 5:40 AM and departing 7:15 PM. Anything that can I do in addition to the DMZ tour? BTW, this thread has to be added to the destination master thread.
Did you check the times of the tours? The DMZ tour will eat up most of that time, then you have to add in travel to and from the airport, etc. Not much extra time to play with IMHO. If you do have extra time, I recall reading something about a tower observatory. I forgot the name but it was pretty high up in the traveladvisor activity list.
how long from the airport to the DMZ zone?Also, does anyone know which KSML KE serves ex-ICN?
What you don't read DDMS TRs
Its very good, but its no CX/SQ.
Just finished reading that TR. Awesome!I seee you didn't do the DMZ zone, do you think its a waste of time? Should I rather go with CX (pending F availability....) and do HKG for the day?As of now im bookedd on KE JFK-ICN-CNX and I have a full day stopover in ICN should I rather do JFK-HKG-CNX and do full day stopover in HKG?
Better to do CX + HKG. If you're doing HKG just stay there for shabbos. One day is not enough time for HKG.