none of the crossings are open then
Is it better to drive from AMM to Jerusalem or book an RJ flight to TLV?
Taxi would be cheaper, flying is less complicated
If landing time was 11PM would have to wait until morning?
How long is the process to get your visa at the Amman airport?
Took me about 45 minutes all in all (I landed on the last day of a holiday I think) Arabs were being rude and kept cutting the line. I suggest having the 40JOD with you as it will save you time. (they accept cedit cards too)
Thanks, so your saying its better to wait 45 min then to go to the council in Manhattan?
You going for single entry or multiple entry?
Crossing borders to Israel.
Same day? Maybe a transit visa could work?
So whats a transit Visa and where do you get that?
At the airport
Is it the same as a regular Visa?