So I just returned from Jordan, and since it seems that Aharon's Kever is a popular topic, here my take:
I checked into a little local hotel by Petra with very good reviews.
The reason for this are multiple: I like to get a local feeling, which you do not get in bigger (chain) hotels, as well as in small hotels, the owner/manager is actually interested in the welfare of their customers as well as being very attached to their Reviews. The two last reasons make it much easier to rely on their info.
This technique B"H got me some good guide to visit the Kever.
I got relatively a good deal, ended up paying very little for the key, and what is better, I was handed over the key, and went up without chaperones or any other unwanted accompanying folks.
I did meet another guy that roams DDF (without username) that was hoping to meet the person with the key.
It really annoyed me how his guide stressed him into hurrying up and down (whilst being certain I only paid a fraction of what he paid..).
We managed to get rid of his guide, and I told him not to worry, as worst case he will join me (my guide was waiting for me at the bottom of the mountain, as I had not yet paid him).
On the way back, the guy ran down in such a speed, and I mean literally running, that I was really scared for his wellbeing. My guide said that he arrived B"H unscathed.