Also, if you wish, u can buy the ezpass at many ezpass retailers... works like this: the customer purchases the pre-paid tag at the store and can use up to $20 to pay tolls immediately; $10 is a deposit on the tag. Once the tag has been used for the first time, the customer has two days (48 hours) to register the tag by going to the website or calling a toll free number on the tag. If the tag is registered as an account linked to a credit card account, then the $10 deposit also becomes available for toll use. About 85% of E-ZPass users have accounts linked to their credit cards. If the tag is registered as an account to be paid by check or cash, then the $10 remains as a deposit for the tag.
DISCLAIMER: I dont know if when registering this ezpass, u need to put in a license plate or not..., but this is an "ez" way to get one.
(i assume ill get it for that)

BTW all port authority and ny ez passes are eligible for the carpool discount, but u must sign up by calling ez pass and requesting to be signed up (not exactly a big deal). The carpool discounts are strictly available for port authority crossings, i.e. most(or every) crossing between nj and ny. U can check website, but goethals, outerbridge, holland lincoln and gwb are inluded.
If you get a an ezpass registeed in staten island, then u are eligible for serious discounts on the verazzano...