Anyway, after spending 2 hours on chat/phone, US supervisors, they were unable to convert me to this card,

they were even surprised that this card came back, they all remembered this card from a few years ago.
When I gave the link for one supervisor so he can see from what I am talking, he couldn't pull it up, didn't bother telling him to try incognito, but he did a Goggle search and he tells me, oh I see it on all the forums... it looks like a glitch because I can't pull it op in my system... then after puting me on hold he comes back that this offer is not a glitch and it lookd like its a type of card that you can ask to apply for but they are not marketing this card, then he really tried converting me to this card, but no luck, he put me on hold and told me that he is trying workarounds but no luck

I ended up getting a nebish 1000 MR points compensation, I was really hoping for 10,000.