I am using windows 10 and all of a sudden my Bluetooth does not work. When I open "Bluetooth & other devices" from the setting menu, under all my Bluetooth devices it says that "Bluetooth is turned off." When I open device manager, I do not see any Bluetooth devices unless I select show hidden devices. A google search suggests uninstalling the Bluetooth driver but I have probably 25 items under Bluetooth. If that is my best bet, which one am I looking for? Any other suggestions? Thanks.
UPDATE: I saw a suggestion to turn off fast startup. It worked. From googling it seems that some drivers will not be fully updated when when fast-start is ticked on. Interestingly, however, if you choose "restart," instead of "shut down," windows will more fully shut down, and any new driver updates WILL then be properly reinstalled. (This is in contrast to most peoples intuition that a shutdown is more complete than a restart.)
UPDATE 2: Issue resurfaced after being resolved by ticking off fast start. I was able to correct by restarting but it seems that there is some underlying issue causing Bluetooth to turn off. Any suggestions?