I found this a solution on
reddit that seems to have worked for a lot of people but I am hoping someone here can help me with some of the more steps. srxela writes:
Solved. It´s an error between Intel drivers and new versions of Windows 10.
You have to edit the registry in order to prevent bluetooth suspend. Go to:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_8087&PID_0026\5&ed1e05a&0&10\Device Parameters]
NOTE: After VID_8087&PID_0026, the next folder can change the number and letters depending of your hardware, but it´s easy to find it.
You have to add:
First key is already present, so only change from 1 to 0 value.
Second key is alredy present and it is already with 0 value.
Third key is the most important, you have to create it with DWORD 32, and give it 0 value. IF NOT CREATE this key, the changes reverts to default in the next restart.
Voilá. Problem fixed forever. Mouse working like a charm, fine, like always.
cdud added that:I know this is a year old but I want to add for people who stumble on this from google.
The id, "VID_8087&PID_0026" is a instance ID and is different for every machine. You could open every Device Parameters sub-tree and find the RadioState key and guess which one, but the accurate way to figure it out is to go to Device Manager and right click on your Bluetooth adapter, go to the Details tab, from the Property dropdown menu, select "Device instance path" or "Matching device id" or "Hardware Ids", any of those will give you the id.