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Shipping Domestic

13oz and UnderItems under 13oz are usually able to be shipped USPS First Class Mail. By far this is the cheapest option.
Weekly Pickup CostUPS charges $22 for weekly pickups - if you are not shipping with your own UPS account (e.g. Amazons account) If you ship with your own account at least $75 weekly then the fee is $11.It is about the same rates as UPS.
Who Pays When Refusing a packageNo oneShipperShipper
Ship to a PO box?YesNoNo

Need to ship a package with tracking?
Login to paypal and then click this link

Knowing which shipping service to use and when could be tricky. It depends on items weight, how fast needed to be delivered, contents value.

Here are 2 free tools I found that can answer many of the pricing questions on this thread:
1. Fitshipper is for when you know the delivery address, size & weight.    2. Fitshipper for listings is when you are not your sure of the destination (eBay etc.).

Items 1-5lbs is when it gets tricky.

For Fedex and UPS there is a Home Delivery charge of about $3 for all shipments that are delivered to a residential address.  This is what will usually make the rates with Fedex or UPS a lot higher than USPS Priority (on low weight packages)

The base rate - commercial address for shipping zone 1, 1lb with Fedex is $6.65, with USPS it's $5.05

With Fedex or UPS the rate increased much less per additional lb

Shipping Insurance with Fedex/UPS is a lot cheaper than USPS. This will be a key factor on deciding when to use USPS over Fedex

Direct Signature Requirement comes standard with $300 of USPS Insurance, and $500 of Fedex insurance

•°•°For Decently priced USPS labels see this post  Or this updated 8/2/21.•°•°

Latest 1/10/22 the best labels so far.
For insane rates.

Q: Under 1lb what is the best service to use?
Typically USPS Priority Mail

Q: What is flat rate? When will it give you the best price?
Flat Rate is a specific size box that does not have a weight limit, and has the same rate for most of USA. Usually this will be the cheapest when shipping to the farthest zone.

Do all companys offer flat rate?
USPS has the best flat rate service. Fedex offers "One Rate" but that will only be a savings on Express shipments. If you have discounted rates with Fedex, the "One Rates" will not be cheaper, unless the box is heavy.

Q: If you don't have a shipping scale available, what would be the best website to find out the weight of a specific product?
Amazon has the shipping weight for most items. Add an additional lb or 2 for the weight of the box.

Q:When shipping to an apt building, will the package gets left in the hallway of by the recipients door?
A:It depends on the delivery driver. I would recommend requiring a signature when shipping to an apartment so that it will not get left outside.

Q:If USPS loses a package that wasn't insured, has tracking code. Can I get money from them?
A:$100 of insurance is included in Priority Mail Express service.
$50 insurance is included in Priority Mail service.

Q:What Carrier is the cheapest to send packages 1LB - 5LB NY to Canada?
USPS Priority likely will be the cheapest. If you have discounted rates with Fedex or UPS they may be cheaper.

Q:Items that I am shipping that the item is packaged in a box; is it necessary to put it in a shipping box or a shipping bag is good enough?
A:Depends what you are shipping. A bag is fine for items that wont get damaged in a bag. I use a bag all the time for such items.

I buy small boxes at Uline, its about $0.30 for a 7x4x4 - which in dimensional weight its 1lb.

You could also consider bubble envelopes ...

Q:How well priced is amazon shipping?
For having inventory shipped to Amazon using their UPS account, by far that is the cheapest option. For having an item shipped to a customer using Amazons shipping rates, they are not the best rates. If you ship enough to get discounted rates with UPS of Fedex you will be bettor off using your own account.

Q: How much does it cost for UPS Pickup?
UPS charges $22 for weekly pickups - if you are not shipping with your own UPS account (e.g. Amazons account) If you ship with your own account at least $75 weekly then the fee is $11.
It is about the same rates with Fedex.

How Much is pickup for one package?

Q: How can I get around it? Flag down a driver
Flagging a driver down not necessarily is the best way around the daily pickup fee. If you are shipping daily for the convenience it should be worth to have a daily pickup.
With Fedex if you do not have an daily pickup and give the packages to a driver you will be charged $3 per box.
Additionaly many drivers do not like accepting packages from people that do not have a daily pickup, as they have to save room on their truck for their daily pickup customers.

Q: What Are the flat rate sizes?
« Last edited by myi on January 10, 2022, 02:13:34 AM »

Author Topic: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When  (Read 261166 times)

Offline NoC

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Re: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When
« Reply #960 on: October 27, 2024, 08:31:36 PM »
Why? Seems very logical to me. Anyone that doesn't charge is obviously overcharging by a few percent
Lol, they didn't lower rates before they started charging a surcharge. The industry standard thus far has been paying via CC. This will only complicate negotiating rates, comparing rates between services and obviously push other companies to do the same. (Should all e-commerce sites do the same bcs otherwise they are "obviously overcharging"). Also it basically gets rid of the cash back/bonus points category of shipping that some business CC have. Regardless, it's very upsetting to lose a very large chunk of extra CC points.

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Re: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When
« Reply #961 on: October 27, 2024, 09:13:31 PM »
Lol, they didn't lower rates before they started charging a surcharge. The industry standard thus far has been paying via CC. This will only complicate negotiating rates, comparing rates between services and obviously push other companies to do the same. (Should all e-commerce sites do the same bcs otherwise they are "obviously overcharging"). Also it basically gets rid of the cash back/bonus points category of shipping that some business CC have. Regardless, it's very upsetting to lose a very large chunk of extra CC points.
Realistically I agree with you but in principle I think it's perfectly logical.
Afaik once in contracted rates carriers enforce ACH.
(LPT - for a certain big carrier (not UPS/Fedex) if you let the bill go to their collection department they allow cc payment without any penalty or late fee. We've been doing that for millions of dollars of spending so far :) That collection agent must be the most productive agent lol )

Analyzing rates is a pain. It's one of those things that I do. It happens every once in a while and I always debate if I should build a program to help me or just do it manually. I'm lazy so I suffer every time I have to do it.

Offline NoC

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Re: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When
« Reply #962 on: October 27, 2024, 09:25:55 PM »
Realistically I agree with you but in principle I think it's perfectly logical.
Afaik once in contracted rates carriers enforce ACH.
(LPT - for a certain big carrier (not UPS/Fedex) if you let the bill go to their collection department they allow cc payment without any penalty or late fee. We've been doing that for millions of dollars of spending so far :) That collection agent must be the most productive agent lol )

Analyzing rates is a pain. It's one of those things that I do. It happens every once in a while and I always debate if I should build a program to help me or just do it manually. I'm lazy so I suffer every time I have to do it.
Interesting, I've never been asked to pay ACH in contract but I'm probably not shipping on your scale either

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Re: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When
« Reply #963 on: January 13, 2025, 10:03:55 AM »
Newbie shipping question- I have 3 pairs of shoes to ship NJ-CA what carrier would be my best bet? TIA

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Re: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When
« Reply #964 on: January 13, 2025, 10:31:01 AM »
Newbie shipping question- I have 3 pairs of shoes to ship NJ-CA what carrier would be my best bet? TIA
If it's a large box likely FedEx Ground Economy or UPS Surepost Not retail rates. Go to  or sign up to see rates.
I'm personally a fan of pirate ship. I've never used goshippo before but from a quick Google search it seems they offer FedEx.

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Re: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When
« Reply #965 on: January 13, 2025, 09:32:46 PM »
Help Please how to dispute a UPS ground shipment that UPS decided to return claimed that a suite number was needed to deliver (customer didn't provide any unit number, they wrote: We're attempting to update the address but couple hours later it shows returning to sender without even contacting shipper to resolve) problem is the shipping was for few boxes and they charged again return shipping and it's a lot of money, Any ideas how to reverse these charges ? Thanks in advance.

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Re: **Shipping Master Thread** What service To Use When
« Reply #966 on: January 24, 2025, 01:27:18 AM »
Because it's impossible to get those rates.
I originally thought it had to do with stolen cc's but I don't think so anymore and in general doesn't make much sense.
I one time read about a situation where there was fraud going on with shipping. Had to do with using an old meter number from USPS. I'm not clear in the details. But it sounded very similar to this.