Starwood free Offbeat Travel guides.According to
this FT thread it is supposed to be a complimentary travel guide for those that earned a free night with the spg promo and is limited to one per free night.
But in fact anyone can enter their spg number and receive one and it doesn't seem limited to only one (not sure it'll let you do all 30,000). They are emailed in PDF format.
You’re first asked for your Starwood member number, then your destination and origin cities (for info on time zones, exchange rates and other tips). It then asks for your travel dates in order to include any specific events for that time. If youre not sure when you are going make the dates very broad.
And then you have the option to specify a Starwood property for that city. As reported in the above FT thread, not specifying a property will not yield info on all the properties but rather non at all.
Then you will be emailed you're personal travel guide (they even ask what name you want on it).
I'm not sure how this compares to the much raved about, wouldnt go anywhere without, Lonely Planet guides, but this is free and free is good.