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I'm assuming that most ddf'ers don't realize how useful and powerful the gmail filters and search is. Therefore I will try to show you how it can be used on a daily basis

Random useful trick: when typing an email, hit Ctrl+Enter to Send it

Note: You can always use 2 operators at the same time. All search terms can be used in the filters. Except the in: and is: command because filters are for incoming only

All the commands (the thing you want to do) are called operators.

Shortcuts: Press ? in Gmail to see a list of keyboard shortcuts. Some keyboard shortcuts can be used immediately, and others need to be enabled before you can use them.

From: To search for an email you received   A) By name B) A particular email address. C) A email sent from a particular domain use a *   
Example: From:Dad or or From:*   

To: To search for an email you sent  A) By name B) A particular email address. C) A email sent to a particular domain use a *   
Example: To:Dad or or To:*

Subject: To search for a subject (duh!)
Example: Subject:Thunder     

Label: Search by Label
Example: From:dad Label:occasions
Note: If a label have 2 names then you must include a "-" (hyphen) Example: Label:my-family

Attachments There are 3 ways to search for attachments.
1.Has:attachment  Will show all messages that have attachments. To search for attachments from a specific person or a specific label etc. use the appropriate operator. Example: from:david has:attachment or Label:party has:attachment 
2.Filename: Will search for a specific file. To search for files from a specific person or a specific label etc. use the appropriate operator.
Example: Filename:example.pdf or Label:Dad Filename:shoppinglist.txt
3.By file type Example: filename:(jpg OR jpeg OR png OR gif)

*The in: operator will search for messages anywhere in Gmail
Note: Messages in Spam and Trash are excluded from searches by default; except if you use in:anywhere 
Example: in:anywhere. in:inbox in:trash in:spam
To search for files from a specific person or a specific label etc. use the appropriate operator. Example: in:trash from:amy
Note: For priority messages use is:important

*The is: operator will search for items with a certain status.
Example: is:important is:starred is:unread is:read is:chat[/b]
You can combine them also Example:  is:read is:starred from:David or is:chat money   

*Has: Search for messages with a particular star
Example:  has:yellow-star has:red-star has:orange-star has:green-star has:blue-star has:purple-star has:red-bang has:orange-guillemet has:yellow-bang has:green-check has:blue-info has:purple-question
Has:nouserlabels Finds all messages without any of your own labels (excludes automatic labels like inbox, spam, and trash).

cc: bcc:  Used to specify recipients in the cc: or bcc: fields
Note Search on bcc: cannot retrieve messages on which you were blind carbon copied.
Example: cc:david Messages that were cc-ed to David.

*after: before: older: newer:  Search for messages sent or received during a certain period of time (using the date format yyyy/mm/dd)
Example: after:2014/04/16 before:2014/04/18 Messages sent between April 16, 2014 and April 18, 2014.*
*More precisely: Messages sent after 12:00 AM (or 00:00) April 16, 2014 and before April 18, 2014.

*older_than newer_than Similar to older and newer, but allows relative dates using d, m, and y for day, month, and year
Example:newer_than:2d Finds messages sent within the last two days

deliveredto: If you have another email address forwarded to this email address. You can use this to filter just the messages from that email.

size:  Search for messages larger than the specified size in bytes
Example: size:1000000 All messages larger than 1MB (1,000,000 bytes) in size.

larger: smaller: Similar to size: but allows abbreviations for numbers
Example: larger:10M All messages of at least 10M bytes (10,000,000 bytes) in size.

Search Terms

OR   To search for Term A or B
Example:From:Dad OR From:Mom  or From:dad|from:mom
Note: OR must be capital.  You can also use "|" [located on top of the enter key or tab key] this is very useful in filters.
"-" Used to exclude messages from your search Example: From:dad -Dinner
"+"(plus sign) or """ Match the search term exactly.
Example: +unicorn or "unicorn"  Finds messages containing “unicorn” but not “unicorns” or “unciorn”
"( )"  Used to group words and to specify terms that shouldn't be excluded.
Example: from:amy (dinner OR movie) or subject:(dinner movie)

* Cannot be used in a filter because the filter is for incoming only.

All this info can be found on
« Last edited by shoobi on July 28, 2015, 01:00:47 PM »

DansDeals Forum > Tech Talk

Gmail tips, tricks and questions

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For awhile now I wanted to start a thread about Gmail's different functions and a place where people can share tips and ask questions.

I'll start this way.. Today I had two emails that were sent to me yesterday one just a single email and another a conversation (back and forth) from the same sender.
Although I had newer messages in the inbox, those particular two messages got bumped up to the top and marked as unread.  Curious and I can't figure out what caused it.
On the outside they show "7:38 pm" as if they were sent today but upon opening it and viewing the details it shows the actual time and date they were sent which was yesterday.

The same is on the PC and on mobile.

Any clues?

P.S. If there's already a Gmail thread feel free to RTM it. You can just imagined what came up when I searched for "Gmail" on the searchbar...  :P

I'm probably not understanding, but if even one email was from today the whole conversation gets bumped.

What I don't like is when the entire conversation comes into a continues one. I like seeing every email separate, like yahoo, aol... is there anyway to do that?


--- Quote from: Yeki89 on May 22, 2013, 11:16:23 PM ---What I don't like is when the entire conversation comes into a continues one. I like seeing every email separate, like yahoo, aol... is there anyway to do that?

--- End quote ---
+100 if there is please share!


--- Quote from: DovtheBear on May 22, 2013, 11:18:33 PM ---+100 if there is please share!

--- End quote ---
Does this help?
Settings>General>Conversation view


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