Author Topic: Sardinia Master Thread  (Read 2717 times)

Offline jmansour

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Sardinia Master Thread
« on: July 10, 2013, 06:43:40 AM »
I am flying back home, my wife is sleeping and im wide awake with wifi on lufthansa so i guess its time to do a trip report. We visited venice (2 days) sardinia (4 days) and rome (2 days).

Our next stop was the cervo hotel (sheraton) in sardinia. We spent 32k spg per night (3 nights). We flew meridiana from venice (also about $150 per person) to olbia which was about an hour flight and around $130 per person (redeemed barclay reward points) We booked the hotel minibus for 40 euro a person vs 100 euro taxi ride, our bus was empty so we got lucky. the ride was about 30 min and Upon arrival we were told our standard room wasnt available so we were being upgraded to a larger room by the pool. The staff is excellent and always looking to help. The grounds were beautiful, the pool was always quiet, they have a ferry that takes you to their private beach. We brought food with us and the staff was always willing to help with whatever request we had. The great part about our room was the balcony had stairs that led to our pool, on shabbat we simply used that door and sat by the pool all day since there are automatic doors around the hotel and the room had the electric keys. The beauty of the area is SPG has 3 other luxury collection hotels (80k spg per night) all within 10 minutes of eachother. We visited cala di vople and pitrizzio and they were magnificent hotels. They didnt charge us at all to spend the day. 
Our hotel was also nice enough to leave us in our room til 7 pm even though check out was much earlier. We had a late flight to rome on meridiana, its only about a 40 min flight.