What's the Hashgacha by Herbert Samuel (restaurant in the Ritz)?
Does anyone have any experience using a reward certificate or booking with points and having more than 2 guests in the room? My husband and I want to bring our kids (5,4,2) with us, and wonder if they would force us to book two rooms or not.
3 per room worked fine for me.
Now still trying to figure out what hechsher is used for breakfast
Making an award booking for someone else at Herziliyah and have 2 questions - 1) does the hotel offer late checkout on motz shab (i assume they do) and 2)does the person need to bring his passport?
1) they offer late checkout, but they might charge you 500 NIS
YMMV, depends if They are full, depends what time shabbos is over.Call or email them a you get a clear answer
Still no free breakfast for Plats here?Are there decent mehadrin places to eat in the area for a 3 night stay?