Are you guys in Israel using cottonseed oil?
It comes in from the States in mayonnaise. Israeli hechsherim consider it kitniyos. Israeli mayo is horrendous lechol hadeios or uses kitniyos with a Bet Yosef hechsher. I get stopped in the store every year by yeshivish Israelis holding American mayo: "Ochlim hamaoyaise hazeh b'Artot Habrit? Ata ochel et zeh?" And I have to explain to them that yes, it is my minhag, but I can't tell you to go ahead and eat it without any qualifiers...
But there are tons of imports, especially from Lieber which started exporting heavily to Israel, so one can really get sunflower seed oil products with good US Hechsheirim pretty easily, albeit a drop more expensive than the US.
Really? I only every saw cottonseed oil stuff, not sunflower.