My friends call DDF credit card p*rn
It is addicting.
Not to mention kinky (like the 3 (and even 4!) browser maneuver, and don't even get me started on PGGM. That's just wrong.)
If it feels good is it wrong?
No power = no lights + freezing
Good point.
Looking for clear colored kosher children's Tylenol. Had enough of this blood red stuff being spat all over me!
With a hashgacha?
Either a hashgacha or at minimum its on an approved list from a major kashrus agency.According to my LOR good tasting meds can't be treif.
I'll try to find out for you. Is it for an infant?
Picked up two bottles this wine. (For kiddush). They are exactly the same type but one is a much darker color. Is this normal, is one bad?
if that's what you drink for kiddush... You deserve that
Like it ice cold too I do appreciate decent wine, just can't gulp it down.