Would anyone have?
A. The address of the ba'al shem of michelstadt
B. Wurtzberg
C. Mainz
D. Worms
i already gave you mainz
here are my notes for worms
-Worms kever of maharam mwruttenburg d.1293, maharil yaakov halevi mulin segal 1427, chavas yair r yair chaim bechrach 1702
daily, summertime: 8am—8pm Willy-Brandt-Ring
Walking is the best way to enjoy the historical center.
synagogue/mikvah daily 10am—12:30pm and 1:30—5pm
Synagogenplatz (in Judengasse)
use the mikve, original from 1186, not destroyed, natural spring, chassidim use it
museum, Hintere Judengasse 6 (tel. 06241/8534700
tues-sun 10-12:30, 13:30-17, closed monday
niche on the outside wall (in the alleyway) behind the rashi synagogue, saved rashis mother
Continue on Judengasse & come to the city wall..Raschi Tor, Jews Gate, corner judengasse & karolignerstrasse, this was entrance to old jewish quarter
it might be good idea for you to look at this