The Vaad is blasting all over the web how they are so proud of their new camera policy.Rumor has it that this is in response to a horrible violation which occurred locally over Pesach. Did anybody else hear and verify that a local eatery was caught serving chometz on Pesach?
There werent too many places open so I feel like this kind of rumor is dangerous. Although if true I think we have a right to know.
i can't imagine the vaad would allow a place with such an egregious violation to stay open
There's definitely something going on. Not just rumors. Read story with comments.
The comments just point to rumors, there is no evidence that such a thing happened. Also, the comments make it sound like a chinese store was involved. I dont think wok tov or the stop chop and roll chinese was open so it would be chosen. If not true then spreading this rumor is really bad. Again, if it is true I would think that the hashgacha would be pulled and the vaad would publicize the event
How can they not publicize which establishments have had chametz on pesach?
You are obviously not familiar with Vaad policy. There have been quite a few violations by establishments under their supervisions. Some recently. Confirmed. None lost their certification. All they get is a little "potch", until next time...
Can you provide a specific example of your implications here?
Although I do know of specific examples, I am at liberty to share them in a public forum. But do some research, it shouldn't be too difficult to find out yourself. Maybe your Rabbi will be willing to share some info with you.
the letter that came along with the 5T camera request sourced the Johannesburg kashrus violation as their motivation. Did not mention a USA issue. Nothing mentioned about Pesach.
why now?
Why Not now? It's never been easier or more affordable to install video cameras. Especially with smartphone/app access which seems to be one of the requirements.
It has been just as easy and just as affordable for a long while now. Why all of a sudden after Pesach. And why the "chazer fees" advertising on all frum websites?
This is not exactly great logic. Complete speculation. Starting a rumor against the vaad with no evidence is not cool.
+1 (but hey, why not start a rumor. Or even if it's true, why not spread L"H against a community organization. Who wants mashiach to come anyway )
Rigjt. Better to eat chometz on Pesach. Do some research what really happened.