It wasn’t served so it doesn’t matter that the chameitz wasn’t locked away (although it is preferable to have it put in a specified spot)
You are on the defense with absolutely no knowledge of what happened. If your "source" is telling you nothing happened, you should reveal your source and the Vaad woulf be vindicated l. You have nothing to hide.
Did your source tell you nothing was served, or almost served? Or is that you own assumption. There would be no story if nothing happened, and the Vaad would come out wth a statement letting everyone know nothing happened.
Releasing a statement about cameras with no explanation seems to support some of the stories going around.
There has never been transparency at the Vaad. For example, 2 years ago when they changed policy to only allow Postive or frozen pre-checked broccoli, they never let out the real reason . But those in the know found out.
I'm done with this. Everyone will have to dog around and find out for themselves what happened. But just remember l, there have been quite a few confirmed stories, which never get out. There is zero transparency. Period.