Me and the fam are looking to visit the cedarhurst/woodmere neighborhood for shmini atzeres/simchas torah/shabbos and are looking for good shuls to visit for our wavelength (low-mid 30s with a few kids, prob right-wing modox in action and more central modox in thought/openmindedness).
would love a very carlebachy place and/or a more homey shtiebl-like option (i would probably also join a young israel for basics), but dont see any real options online. I think i would love something like the breslov-inspired white shul side minyan but in the cedarhurst/woodmere location. other than Aish kodesh, where should i go?
I dont like uber-yeshivish davening, or any tunes to kedusha made after 1995. I dont really like shabbos davening speeches that dont teach a real moral takeaway (i love mental tickles, but i think shul rabbis should use that short time for chizuk since most baalei baatim need real mussar/chizuk as its prob close to all they are getting). i love smiles and no shushes (i also love no talking, but if there is, it seems shushes sometimes makes things worse), and i'm fine with kids making noise until someone gives them a candy.
wow, i ended up bearing my soul for my likes and dislikes here
. any suggestions of secret minyanim i am missing much appreciated.