Like the one who runs mehadrin while his brother in law owns 550?
Or the one that was thrown out of Australia?
Both those Rabbis happen to be great Talmidei Chochomim and were well respected locally before they dared to open a hashgacha. One of them answered the well respected Halacha Hotline for many years.
There are many, many Rabbi whom side with them. They do not have social media and neither do their followers.
So what you are saying is, you can bash Rabonim as long as they don't follow in toe with your opinions?!?
Note: I did not bash any Rabbis besides the one who is paid top dollar to lead the Vaad and does not live here. I respect all local Rabonim and understand and appreciate difference of opinions.
You, on the other hand, are bashing.
Somebody told me their Rov told his kehila that if you live locally you cannot eat from Mehadrin, but if you are visiting from out of town, it's fine. Actually I heard this from a few Rabonim. It is not a kashrus issue. A Rov has every right to advise his kehilla to eat or not to eat somewhere. But to be clear, this is not Kashrus related.