(HT "Marathon man" on FT- I just had to post it
You know you're "in it" when...
when your spouse, friends, family, GF, BF, etc tell you that all you talk about is miles and points
when you are late for work because of something to do with miles and points
when you are late for dinner because you are on the phone with a bank or credit card customer service department
when you almost care more about the promo and the promo on top of that more than what it actually gives you
when you know more airport codes and more about the planes than the people who work for the airline
when you know the airline staff by name and they know you
when you know the customs people in different countries due to MRs
when you actually got in shape carrying boxes of coins
when you talk to people in person not in here and still say CC and GC when referring to 'credit card' and 'gift card'
when you have a friend tell ya "I owe you a beer" and when he's about to pay you kinda cringe a bit because now HE is getting to earn the miles on his CC, not you
when you take a date out and purposely choose an IDINE place to eat and then even if the date doesn't go well you tell your friends, "well, at least I got 3x miles"
when you stop GETTING dates BECAUSE of miles
when you meet someone who is INTO miles and live happily ever after
when 20,000/night SPG points is not a big deal anymore
when gold status is not enough on AA. You are headed toward platinum and expect to make it soon (or are already there)
when you have had to have conversations with bank managers about things that would have petrified your parents because in their day no one ever did this sort of thing without it being illegal
when you wish you could tell someone--your friends or co workers--about some of the cool processes you figured out and use to get miles but you burn quietly inside at the fact that none of them will ever get it
when you actually do get one of them to get it
when having a $25,000+ CC bill is a GOOD thing
when the stack of CCs you have in your home office is thicker than a brick
when you migrate from mere miles to EQMs and only work in first and business class and status-based travel even if you rarely ever travel for business to begin with
when X time has passed and you can once again apply for another card to get a bonus