Lifestyle Tropical Beach Resort & Spa
Dominican Republic - Puerto Plata
Trip Report
This trip was almost three years ago so I will do my best to remember as many details as possible.
I booked the trip through Cheap Caribbean when they were having a sale in December 2010. The sale was for $20.10 per person per night for their all-inclusive package. I booked the trip for February 2011 for 7 nights for two adults. I also paid for the shared airport transportation to and from the airport. The total cost for the trip was $453.18. This price seemed too good to be true and I was expecting to get to the hotel and see a shack.
The transportation from the airport was great. It is a shared van that stopped at another few hotels on the way. The trip was about an hour from the airport to the hotel.
At the hotel we checked in without any surprises and got a standard room in the main section of the hotel. The room was decent and was roomy enough for two people. It wasn’t a very nice room but was functional for what you would expect for $40 a night even without any food. The room had a little balcony with a table and chairs.
As part of the Cheap Caribbean program they give you bracelets to wear which gives you access to certain areas of the resort that is reserved for only VIP access. Most of the VIP access areas are reserved for timeshare owners only. The only part that you get access to that is worth anything is a VIP beach area that has cabanas and waiter service.
The VIP beach that you have access to is nice but is really small. The beach opens at 8am and there is a line to get in with people running to claim a cabana or bed. Once someone claims one they usually stay there the whole day so if you snooze you lose. The VIP beach offers free Wi-Fi and since I woke up early everyday (too used to it from home) I went to the beach at 7:30 with a coffee and my Kindle to download the paper and just chilled until the beach opened at 8. I claimed my territory and then went back to my room for breakfast.
This aspect of it had to be the most inconvenient part of the whole trip but was worth it for me for the convenience of having waiter service, bed at the beach, Wi-Fi and unlimited free drinks throughout the day. And the drinks were amazing! I just cycled through the menu a couple of times a day

If you don’t want to have to deal with the waking up early and waiting at the beach you can always go to the pool or the regular beach but then you need to get up and walk to get your drinks. When you are paying so much money you want to get good service!
When you get to the hotel they have someone assigned to you to give you a personal VIP tour. They are very into this VIP business. Everything is all about VIP… and you will get stalked until you go on the VIP tour. I didn’t realize until it was too late that it was really a timeshare sales pitch. They show you the villas and houses in the resort and all the VIP treatment that you get if you are a member. They have limo and helicopter shuttles to the airport and… Since there is no obligation you should just tell the person to leave you alone that you don’t want to go on the VIP tour and they should leave you alone.
There are many restaurants at the resort that are included and the food looked awesome but was not kosher. There was also no kosher option available when I went nor do I think I would pay for it anyway. When I saw the info on the kosher options a while ago when it became available I recall seeing a cost of $70pp/day but I can’t find that anywhere now. We brought along a suitcase of food and ate a lot of fruits and vegetables that were available from the restaurants.
The hotel has scheduled night activities and all but a couple of the nights were boring. There were two nights were they had a really nice activity. On Thursday night you go to some casino at Ocean World where they have dinner and live music followed but a show called Bravissmo. The show was very entertaining and enjoyable. Here is a link to the information about the show to see if it is something that you would be interested in: other trip was on Sunday night were you go to some place where they have dinner, entertainment, music and fireworks. Here is a YouTube video I found of the fireworks:
Here is another video I found for one of the other night activities:
This is all I can think of right now and if I remember any more details I will add them.
Overall I had a positive experience and for the price I don’t think you can do much better and would recommend the resort.
Please let me know if you have any questions.