His name is Nissim Baruch Black
Racism is very common in the Jewish community in case you didn't know...
We said everything both days. Second day only skipped the the long pieces before Zichronos and Shofros.I always wondered what that stuff was doing in the machzor😛
Chabad of Beachwood, OH.1st day: 9:30am-2:05pm2nd day: 9:30am-1:50pm
Chabad of Beachwood, OH.1st day: 9:30am-2:00pm2nd day: 9:30am-1:40pm
Chabad of Beachwood, OH.1st day: 9:30am-2:00pm2nd day: 9:30am-1:50pm
Chabad of Beachwood, OH.1st day: 9:30am-2:15pm2nd day: 9:30am-1:45pm
Chabad of Beachwood, OH.1st day: 9:30am-2:20pm2nd day: 9:30am-1:50pm
Started 7:30First Day 3:30Second Day 3:00#YeshivaLife
So good to be Sephardic
not when your stuck and have to daven ashkenaz in yeshiva
So good to be Sephardic Started 720 ended 12:40 both days and that’s a slow yeshivesh minyan
First day 1:10Second day 1:05Began at 7:30.
Yatza schorah bhefseido
LCMDay 1: 8AM- 1:15PM Day 2: 8AM- 12:50PM