On what platform will this be held?
A work in progress, open to feedback:
Is Rabbi Eleff going to be making this presentation?
Actually yes, https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleff
it's good to be a Lubavitcher
Are you going to address the Elefant in the room, the conspiracy between DansDeals and the OU? I mean what are the odds y'all happen to have the same name, one in a thousand? It's just not OK.
New Frontiers In Kosher: UAE, Bahrain, And Morocco; Join Dan And Mashgichim From The OU For A Free Kosher Webinar! https://www.dansdeals.com/more/site-announcements/new-frontiers-kosher-uae-bahrain-morocco-join-dan-mashgichim-ou-kosher-webinar/