I recently have had a bunch of different issues that i needed help with.
1) my mom needed a one way car rental from PHL>NY.
2) my bro recently missed his flight from TLV>IST>NYC and he needed to get on a flight asap to get there before shabb and tk was sold out until a week later
3) once my bro got on a flight he now needed a one way rental from ewr>jfk (they were running 350-400$)
I have a tremendous hakoras hatov to the people who have helped me with these situations. Firstly, chaikel is top notch TA, (the others are as well). I woke chaikel up pretty early this morning bec i needed a new flight for my bro. The options were 75 one way (2 ppl) direct UA. or 1600$ each ticket. chaikel obviously knew what to do and found a ticket for 850 (still expensive but relative). and my bro was able to get home before the snow hit.
secondly the car situation, there are two ppl here who have been so helpful and amazing! thank you to hocker and samkey. they are constatnly helping me out with cars for my family. i really appreciate it coming thru in the clutch!
this is true ddf family in style!!
of course there are others, but i do feel that the recent events i would like to publicly thank ppl.
pls lets continue and thank the fellow ddfers who help you out on a constant basis.
thanks guys
rots5 (extended) family