I am happy to announce that there will be a Minyan in the Bellagio Hotel In Las Vegas Shabbos January 10, 2014 (after the CES)
In the Monet Room
On the ground floor in the main floor of the hotel
Candle lighting 4:27
Mincha Friday Afternoon 4:40
Shachris Saturday morning 9:15
Mincha Saturday Afternoon 12:40
please let me know how many are in your party
Food might be available from Raffi's catering if there is sufficient demand please reply if you are interested
$120 Night Meal
$80 Day Meal
Special thanks to Rabbi Harlig Of Chabad of Southern Nevada for arranging it
Chabad of Southern Nevada | One stop for your Jewish needs • 1261 Arville Street • Las Vegas, NV 89102-1600 • 702-259-0770