I may be coming to NY in about 2 weeks. I'd be there from Nov 11 - 21. I'd like to rent a car, cheapest is better (although I like free upgrades and I'd pay a few more $ to go up a few classes. I can pick up and drop off in JFK. I can also pick up from Brooklyn on Nov 12 and perhaps drop off in Brooklyn on Nov 19. But I'm more flexible on the pickup than I am on the return. I'd rather return it on Sunday, the 21st. I'm 23. What's the cheapest rate I can get. Please note: I do not want a heimeshe car rental for $20 a day if they don't accept my CC. With my credit card, if I'd smash up the car, I'd have a $0 deductible. With the cheap heimeshe car rental that I called, if I get into an accident, and it's my fault, there's a $600 deductible. I like the full protection.