I don't think that thats fundamentally rather more in the realm of what I wrote.
If Charedim believed in aschalta degeulah, and rashis geula beartzeinu, and all that... They would figure out a way to serve (at least those not learning). They would be proactively working with the army to create situations that where they could serve and worry less about the "melting pot". Like the DL do! AFAIK There are hesder programs where the people you learn with in yeshiva are the people you serve with, sometimes even the officers are from the same BM.
But they don't believe that, so they don't.
I recently read the artscroll biography of the Chazon Ish. When asked about mutual responsibility etc..., his answer was not "army is shmad" his answer was more or less anti-stateist "you made the mess, you clean it up".
BTW Shocked that he even gave them the time of day.
The chareidim are waiting for the medina to collapse. Both the Brisker Rav zt'l and the Chazon Ish zt'l said that the medina will last only a certain number of years. Then it will be controlled by a foreign entity for a period up to 9 months, as Moshiach cannot take over from the Israeli gov't. Also, people think that this conflict is a mathematical equation - there is absolutely no political solution here. Only way is teshuva. There is different kochas in the world, Yisrael, Yishmael and Edom. Ever time somebody r'l does an aveira, it gives kochas to Yishmael. If the yidden did teshuva, and the yidden in Eretz Yisroel would become an am kadosh - then there will be 100% peace.
Israel is surrounded by 500 million Arabs, Iran is running a proxy war, and they have estimated 200k of missiles, and you all see what's happening in the north now - and the situation is about to explode. As much as I want Ukraine to win against Russia, sooner or later Ukraine is going to run out of weapons, and will lose the war. (And prior to the Ukrainian conflict, it was written hundreds of years ago, that the kaiser from Moscow will invade Kyiv, and which countries will align themselves with Russia, etc. Hundreds of predictions already came true. The Chareidi world has a mesorah from the previous gedolim, ie Vilna Gaon, R' Moshe Dovid Valli (talmid of Ramchal), etc., of what will happen in the future.
Sooner or later, the medina will also run out of weapons, (doesn't look like they will take the Samson option) - and they are now in a rush to pullout of Gaza, as they are reporting that they need to conserve their weapons for the upcoming war with Lebanon.
Hashem is running the show, hashem is the one that makes wars, and before Moshiach comes, all the Avoda Zorahs of the world have to be destroyed. Hashem has to make a melech kasha k'haman to get klal yisroel to do teshuva. Hashem has to show that we cannot rely on the army, and hashem made this war happen - to make kochi V'otzem yodi to become botul . Our salvation will come only when we realize that we can only rely on our father in heaven, nothing else.
Then hashem will reveal himself to the world, and then the עשר המכות will look like child's play.