I live in the Charedi community, but I really have not heard anyone deal with the issues straight on
Is the real reason because of shmad? Because the army doesn't want you? Because תורה is מגנא ומצלא? What if the charedi community was 80% of the country? Would we still not serve? Would we want to give the country back to the Arabs who would faithfully take care of us?
Any time you push people on this, it always comes back to, well the Chazon Ish said not to serve and we aren't big enough to make a decision like this. That really doesn't do it for me
If we truly believe (and I hope we do) that תורה and תפילה is what will save us, then why don't we have round the clock emergency sedarim to protect the country? Why is it that since the bombs have stopped, if you walked around the charedi community you wouldn't know we were in the middle of a war? Why on the Sunday two weeks ago after 8 yeshiva bochurim (not chilonim - but bnei torah!!!) were killed, did no one in the community care? Everyone kept asking me what was wrong because they had no clue.
See Gemara below that דוד only allowed כשרים to serve in the army