The gedolei hador are aware of the issues, and it was discussed - and they decided that it was best not to -- as they didn't want to confuse the bochorim - as the bochorim need to know that they are the Ikkur. (this is what I was told). And in the yeshivas, they are all saying at least 3-4 kapitlach tehilim after each tefilla - posuk by posuk - it's very time consuming.
Um, if your chinuch can't stand up to a little wind, it's not worth much at all...
And anyway, that a garbage answer.
You can't publish the name of hostages for tehillim for fear that a bachur may get confused? about what exactly, and how?
The simple act of publishing the name of a soldier who was killed will take away from the "Ikurkeit" of a bachur?
And the rosh yeshivas have been steadfast - not allowing bochorim to take an off-shabbos. Right after Shemini Atzeres, remember, they cancelled ben hazmanim. The yeshivas went back to full schedule immediately right away in Eretz Yisroel.
While this may have been true for the first month or so of zman, today it is verifiably false.
One of the famous rosh yeshivas told his bochorim in the beginning of the War, if you take a shabbos off, and a soldier gets killed - you will be held responsible.
Strong enough words do not exist in polite english to express how garbage this is, Hashkaficaly and Chinuch-wise.
Absolutely, just we have gedolei hador who we follow. They are the giants of our generation - They have daas torah, and they have prophetic vision of all what is going to transpire.
Wow, that's quite a guzma.
Maybe they have Siyata Dishmaya.
IF we are zoche to it.
We don't have nevua today. Even those who like to quote what Reb Elchonon heard from the Chofetz Chaim say that the CC was the last person we had who was able to see that way.
We are currently middle of a war, r'l -- and this is the final war before the Geulah/Moshiach. We are in the final moments of golus -
A. Stop. Just stop. How many times
in my short 30+ year lifetime have I heard that this right now is the final days before moshiach and this is the beginnings of Gog Umagog... And the Whatever of Russia and the Persians, and dont you know its all written down since the time of sancheirev and the geulas moshiach will come this year bec we said birchas hachama on a tuesday just like the year of yetzias mitzroyim, and it has to be this year because it motzei shmita and the gemara says the ben dovid comes in then, and the world never, ever experienced a quarantine ever, and also Covid is gematria moshiach so he has to becoming next week on monday morning.
B. There is actually a real problem talking this way. It destroys peoples Emuna.
There's a story (I think its in in Tzidkus Stands Forever) about a similar time decades ago when people were getting carried away that He must be coming right now, where non-shomer shabbos yid closed his store and started coming to shul on Shabbos (doing Teshuva), and the Rav went to him and explained to him that Moshiach is most likely not coming right now, but further in the future... when people asked why he told the man that, the Rav said something like "until now, he was not shomer shabbos, but believed in hashem and moshiach and Olam Haba, the risk is that the disappointment from moshiach not coming is liable to destroy his Emuna to the point that he will no longer be a ben Olam Haba.
If you look historically - many times when there was a time that the Olam said that he is coming right now... It was followed by a national depression/yiush
Rav Aharon Lopiansky wrote a long piece pretty early in Corona explaining this.
Achake Lo Bechol Yom Sheavo - theres a question where the comma goes. Is it "Every day, I await his coming, whenever it may be" or "I await that he maybe coming each and every day". In any case, it's not "everyday, I know he must becoming that very day"
and the gedolei hador know that this war is different. Previous wars, the Israeli army was able to defeat the enemy derech hateva -- but now this war we are not able to win derech hateva.
Again, the Gedolim don't KNOW. They can give us their hasharah, shikul hadass... it's not knowledge
Also, the massive historical ignorance shown of the undeniable me'al derech hateva of previous Israeli wars... Like all of them. You know that the only reason the Syrians did not massacre Bnei Brak on Yom Kippur of '73, is that because the borders were so poorly defended and they outmarched their initial plans of attack exponentially and had a clear road to more or less anywhere they wanted to go in the country, their commanders suspected a trap and stopped their advance? that there was a tank battle in the golan where the israelis were outnumbered 10-1 and defended their positions for days, until they literaly were at the breaking point, and then syrians called off the offensive, when if they would have gone on just a bit more they would have broken the Israeli lines...
If you don't believe that the 6 day War was me'al derech hateva... Well then, you believe in kochi v'otzem yodi more than many secular Israelis.
And what do you mean "win"? by the way you seem to define it The Israelis haven't won any wars aside from 48 and 67.
The gedolei hador have been screaming from before Israel went into Gaza, that the army is not our salvation. Only Torah, Teshuva, Tzedaka, Tefillah. Our enemies have hundreds of thousands of missiles, drones, etc. The enemies are waiting for the army to run out of ammunition and the Israeli army does not have an infinite number of interceptor missiles for the Iron Dome. The Israeli army may eliminate two million terrorists, but before long, the terrorists will have four million new recruits to replace those who were killed. Hamas is an ideology, the bnei yishmael - they are brainwashed from the day they are born Itbah Al-Yahud / Khaybar ya Yahood.
No one charedi debates this
But lets ask it this way:
Are Teshuva, Tefila, Tzedaka (not sure where "torah" comes in?) a kiyum of bitachon or Hishtadlus?
What is the chiyuv of hishtadlus in the current situation?
Do we have any mesorah from chazal what to do when faced with dangerous enemies coming to kill you?
If all you remember is "Eisav was coming, with 400 hundred men, and Yaakov davened to hashem..." that's a distortion of Maase Avos Siman L'Banim we see there. The mesorah is three pronged. Daven, Gifts, Fight.
Hashem is sending us rockets, and instead of taking it as a sign that klal yisrael (and ME included) need to do teshuva -- BUT everybody is busy brainstorming with plans of how to fight back, Kochi V'otzem Yadi. Screaming Never Again!
I've never heard anyone brainstorming KVOY plans. Maybe the (we're not in control, this is an impossible situation, only hashem can help) Nuke them all.
The KVOY Never Again is dead. It died on Simchas Torah.
Perhaps the biggest purveyor of Kochi V'otzem Yadi ideas that I've seen among the Chareidi are the "extremist" Peleg people who think that their Maachos do anything. How many times have I heard one say "see, It works!"? Tons!
When klal yisrael does teshuva and realizes that there is absolutely nothing to rely on except Hashem. Hashem is our ONLY salvation - Then Hashem himself will take care of all our enemies in an instant and bring in the Geulah. But till then, when we put our bitachon on other things - we are causing the delay of the Geulah.
Didn't help the Baalie Hatosfos during the Crusades. Nor the very frum communities of Greater Poland during Tach V'Tat...
We don't know what the plan is.
That's the problem with the modern day neo-Novaradokism that's become popular recently. You end up thinking that if only I had enough bitachon that Hashems plan is what I think it should be, then Hashem will make my plan happen.
Thousands and Thousands of yidden, throughout the centuries since, have been killed al kiddush hashem while having 100% emuna shemeima that there is absolutely nothing to rely on except Hashem, and the rest of their generation had the same beliefs.