The police as well. They are protecting us but they persecute us as well. While lefty protesters get stern warnings (at least until recently) we get violently plummeted and trampled on. Can we care about such people? Is it humanly possible? Or only the real big Tzadikim can do such a thing?
I will tell you from the "other" side.
I still care about all my fellow Jews; even when they treat the leftist protesters with kid gloves when they prosecuted and vilified the right when protesting the Gaza withdrawal or Oslo.
I still care about haredi Jews, but I feel a mix of anger and sadness that the community doesn't at least understand the situation or try and fix it, or even understand that the lifestyle they choose to live is funded by others who no longer agree with doing that anymore.
I am angry at the government for not being able to govern for 20 years, so we end up with the court making decisions that end up being inherently political; The Knesset makes all sorts of laws and then can't figure out why the courts enforce them.
I am angry at the Jews who corrupted the Army name and used it for political purposes, calling for refusing to serve because of a political reform they didn't like; look where it got us.
I am angry at the idiots who ram rodded the political reform without thinking about what they were doing or marketing it better
I am angry at the media for basically being one sided and continuing to be one sided.
But we're all Jews, and this is literally the only country we have.. In deeply secular Israel most people still know what Pesach is, they still go to a seder; everyone celebrates Hannukah. Purim is a national holiday. On Sukkot there are sukkot everywhere, even in deeply leftist kibutzim.
So yes, we all need a very large family therapy session for all of us here, but in the meanwhile we're surrounded by blood thirsty enemies so we have to take care of that first. Somehow that got lost very quickly.
To bring Ben Franklin in to this, "Gentleman either we hang together, or we shall all hang separately".