Nothing new here. Rav Shmuel Auerbach's grandfather Reb Chaim Leib Auerbach z"l was a Talmid of R' Kook, Rav Elyashov's shver - Rav Aryeh Levin was a close talmid too and devoted zionist, who celebrated every independence day on the dais alongside IDF generals. There were rebbes who held a ה׳ אייר tish. In those days the avodah zara of Zionism was real and swept in many chareidim, many of who's grandchildren have BH come to their senses and now totally reject zionism. People are not bound to the mistakes of their grandparents, and you cannot ask them to support something they oppose now and to share the responsibility with those who support it.
someone that's a Zaidi with white hair, I don't know his age, told me when he was young he used to go to the Knesset all the time to listen to the speeches,
until someone that migrated from Teheran told him his story how the Israeli government tried to wipe out of their memory anything tied to religion, he stopped going