Total Members Voted: 54
After a while, they will run out of other people's money.
Israels uses VAT tax system. Everyone pays in.
Not if the government is funding the purchases in the first place
Second, there's no social expectation here of serving our country; no draft, no public service requirement, etc., so you can't even compare.
Very simple - the charedi world prefers living somewhere where they can learn torah, than living in Israel, so the Israeli government decided in 1948 that since they won't live in Israel if they have to serve in the army instead of learning, they will allow them to live in Israel without serving. Thus there is no social expectation whatsoever. The problem started since the yeshivos and people became desperate and began relying on the government for financial support.
Coupled with the huge increase in the Chareidi population.
Also, source that they've been exempt since 1948?
The army is full of znus, chilul Shabbos, kfira and all sorts of aveiros. Even leaving zionism aside, a frum Jew even if he doesn't learn, shouldn't set foot there.
None of that would be true if there was a critical mass of charedi soldiers.
The world is full of znus, chilul Shabbos, kfira and all sorts of aveiros. And frum Jews have the opportunity and duty to make things better. Again, I support the right and obligation to learn, but to not give back to the country and the organization that defends everybody within it is a chilul Hashem. There is room for compromise. See my earlier comment about bein hazmanim.That being said, for a frum Jew that has enough bitachon I think the army is a wonderful thing and indeed preferable.
We do all that we can to be machzir bitshuva as many as we can and it's evidenced by the multitudes of bt's. We don't have to join their swamp. Leaving aside that we aren't and never were zionists even if we weren't openly hostile.
We all know what takes precedence in the army even for mizrachists. The commander or halacha?
in halacha as well the Dr's decision trumps the Rabbi