I paid someone else's driving ticket online. On the paper ticket that you submit by mail with payment, there is a box to plead guilty. Online, nowhere did I plead guilty. Can they report the driving offense to the BMV?
(South Euclid, FWIW) and no they don't take Amex, and they have a $3.00 convenience fee for online payments.
ETA: I see it now.
By submitting your information to request payment, you understand that you are pleading "Guilty" to all charges against you as listed on the citation, consequently waiving your right to an appearance in court or to a trial. You further understand that, when processed, this will close your case and the Court will forward this information to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and the appropriate points will still be added to your license.
But the defendant never saw or read the website. And the payment was clearly from my CC, not theirs.