Do the terms state that the FBI will come knocking on your door if you break them? Do you often lie to people since the FBI won't knock on your door?
I'll be blunt- Do you honestly think your funny? If I wanted a snark answer about how ethical and righteous you are I would of asked that. I asked if there was a lawyer who could tell me if breaking TOS is a felony that you could arrested for or its just breaking a contract. Is that really so hard to understand? If you need a boost to your self esteem just start a thread "Any Physiologist out there of ..." Here is a list of questions that you should ask yourself:
1- Do you sell points
2- Do you book glitch tickets
3- Do you double park
4- Do you speed
5- Do you report all gifts to IRS
6- Do you do MS
7- Have you ever been paid off the books
9- Posted an eBay Daily to get a HT
10- Abused "1 per household" policy with coupons and promos
11- Used lease conquest when you didn't have
12- State correct amount of income on CC application
13- Leeching Off of Unsecured WiFi Networks
14- Jaywalking
15- Littering
16- Copy CD
17-Utilizing the “Rolling Stop”
18- Smoke
19- Give drinks to minors
20- Pay shut membership dues
21- Postdate checks
21- Kill
22- Kidnapp
23- Vote Republican
24- Lie to tuition committee
I can go on.... My point is (if you didn't get it already) that this is something that we all do and something that no one will lose money off (unlike jaywalking which can kill people and causes global warming). However if its illegal then I won't do it.
It's typically not criminal to breach a contract, unless you're committing another crime in the process; i.e. fraud.
IANYL though.
How can you break T&C deliberately and not be committing fraud?
its only fraud if there is a loss, in the TOS i want to break the other party will not suffer a loss