#1 it hurts my stomach.
#2 simply states it's a waste of $ and terrible social pressure imho, I don't think everyone really believes in these far out chumros that cost $.
Costs go up because people are making more, the esrog business is a cash cow and I oppose that. Worse yet, more chumros are shoved in jacking up the price. Where you once bought a lulav or hadasim, now you buy them in packages with hechsherim on it costing $$$. Sure there is a market for it but now it's the norm.
I bet rabbi blumenkrantz would have opposed it, waste of $ and causes people to not bother to learn simple halacha or even mentchlichkeit of helping another.
If you have dough to waste and no time or options to bake chabura etc go spend it.
But I fail to see how costs go up, it's not like they pay the Russian ladies much.
Rabbi wein once wrote how some satmar yungerman were bothering him about some hashgacha aspect and pushing him to hire them for it, he says he went to reb yoel and mentioned this and that it was really not an halachic requirements, so reb yoel said, true but these guys are just married and need parnassah, help them out with a job.
I'm all for gainful employment, but this is crushing the cost of Judaism.
I hear stories about the restaurants with no teuda in Israel that state they are kosher and the teuda is baloney, the mashgichim barely come and often it's no different than mafia you pay protection for nothing *