Not 100% on topic but I also think it would be very helpful for anyone who isn't paying tuition to have to meet with a financial advisor offered by the school.
Great idea!
I also think that after paying full price/minimum for 2-3 children, then the rest are free.
This would show that children are a bracha, and not a 'financial burden'.
In my day as a student, most parents had to share one car to be able to afford tuition.
Many families (without a job, or a one-parent job) spend a total of $1,000+ monthly on car#2,
2 iPhones, cableTV, karate lessons, music lessons, kids' phones/iPads, and sometimes pet food, combined, yet there is zero $ at the end of the month for any tuition payments at all.
The result is that the FT teachers receive low salaries and no health insurance, etc....
A good theory would be to add up those types of add-ons,
make a minimum monthly payment of those total luxuries
and that amount goes to tuition as well. If people cannot afford both, then maybe they'll need to chose between 2+ smartphones and quality chinuch.