The commuter? I owned both and will ise both. But the defender just gives it that touch more protection so when i drop it on cement or wherever i know it would be safe. Ps, i tried hitting a bird once in a tree with my iphone in defender, missed the bird but hit the street. Not a singe scratch.
shame. Just plain animal cruelty.
They take away from the phones classiness with the added bulk. But I hear if people aren't careful with their phones how it can pay
Ye, for people abusing their phones (like throwing it at trees ) you need otterbox. Otherwise a skinny hard or soft case should do the job.
On sale for $24.99
hey!!!!! I'm special!!! Since I always wanted to go hunting and I don't have a shotgun I need to use something!!
There's an app for that.
An app for what? Popping a parachute out of my phone?