Got these results on ITA. I have no clue how it makes sense and how to book it. Anyone have any insights?
Tel Aviv (TLV) to New York (JFK) - Wed, Sep 9
El Al 317 Dep: 5:15PM Arr: 8:45PM 5h 30m Boeing 777 Coach (W)
Layover in LHR 19h 20m
Virgin Atlantic 9 Dep: 4:05PM Arr: 6:50PM 7h 45m Boeing 747 Coach (O)
New York (JFK) to Tel Aviv (TLV) - Mon, Oct 12
Virgin Atlantic 4 Dep: 6:30PM Arr: 6:45AM 7h 15m Airbus A340 Coach (O)
Layover in LHR Tue, Oct 13 15h 45m
El Al 318 Dep: 10:30PM Arr: 5:20AM 4h 50m Boeing 777 Coach (W)
Provide this information to a travel agent to help them match the fares found.
Make sure to provide the exact booking and fare codes shown.
Fare 1: Carrier VS OLRILUS TLV to NYC $154.50
Passenger type ADT, round trip fare, booking code W, O
Covers TLV-LHR (Economy), LHR-JFK (Economy)
Fare 2: Carrier VS OLRILUS NYC to TLV $154.50
Passenger type ADT, round trip fare, booking code O, W
Covers JFK-LHR (Economy), LHR-TLV (Economy)
USDA APHIS Fee (XA) $5.00
US Immigration Fee (XY) $7.00
US Customs Fee (YC) $5.50
United Kingdom Passenger Service Charge (UB) $98.80
VS YQ surcharge (YQ) $266.00
VS YQ surcharge (YQ) $8.00
US International Arrival Tax (US) $17.70
Israel IL (IL) $26.36
Israeli Security Charge (AP) $16.00
US International Departure Tax (US) $17.70
US September 11th Security Fee (AY) $5.60
US Passenger Facility Charge (XF) $4.50
Subtotal per passenger $787.16
Number of passengers x1
Total airfare & taxes $787.16
Fare construction (can be useful to travel agents)
TLV LY X/LON VS NYC 154.50OLRILUS VS X/LON LY TLV 154.50OLRILUS NUC 309.00 END ROE 1.00 XT 16.00AP 26.36IL 98.80UB 5.50YC 7.00XY 5.00XA 35.40US 5.60AY 274.00YQ 4.50XF JFK4.50