Airline: QantasFrom: LaxTo: MelFare Class booked in: Premium Economy (R)
Airline: jetblueFrom:jfkTo: nasFare Class booked in: economy
AA or BA(good for short haul flights in Australia).
Airline: AlitaliaFrom: TlvTo: VceFare Class Booked in: EconomyDelta is the only sky team partner I have miles with.
What is the fare class code for your ticket. Within economy there are still a bunch of different levels
Airline:AeroflotFrom: TLVTo: JFKFare Class booked in:Econom/N (NLPX) x 2 Econom/T x2 (TLPX)Assuming I want to credit Flying Blue, do i need a Flying Blue account for each member of the family, or is one account enough?