-Scheduled to get killed on Sep. 3-"Dear TD Go Customer
Beginning September 3, 2014, we're making changes to the TD GO Card program.
•We're decreasing the reload limit. We're reducing the per-day reload amount from $1,000 to $500. Rest assured, your maximum card balance at any time will remain at $2,000.
•We're changing how you can fund your TD Go Card. Account owners and friends and family members will only be able to load TD Go Card(s) using a TD Bank Debit or Credit Card, or by direct deposit. ◦If you don't have a TD Bank Debit or Credit Card, you may continue to fund your existing TD Go Card(s) by setting up direct deposit or by opening a TD Bank Checking or Credit Card account. To open a TD Bank account, call us anytime at 1-888-751-90000, visit any TD Bank location, or connect to"
TD Go website is really quite good - clearly written, well explained - and much of the information in this wiki is from there.
Summary:TD Go is a reloadable Visa Buxx prepaid product designed for teens. There is an Account Owner account with an online view of up to 7 teen accounts, each with a card. The Account Owner (and others, see below) can add funds and check the balance online or over the phone.
Requirements:Both the Account Owner and teen must live in one of the following states (or DC): Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont or Virginia.
The Account Owner must be at least 18, the teen must be at least 13. Both must have valid SS#s.
Details, Fees, Limits:The initial purchase cost is $4.95 for a load of $20 to $1,000 from a CC or DC. A card will be sent to you shortly. You can't do anything further without the card, because you have to register it online before you can use it or load it further.
Subsequent loads will cost $1.00 for up to $1,000 load per teen card per day.
When using a CC for an initial purchase or load, be careful that it is not coded as a Cash Advance, because you will most likely not get any rewards for such a purchase and you may also be charged interest for it. You can set you CA limit to zero to protect yourself, but this may cause your CC to be declined for loading from it (which may be a good thing). Please search the thread for quite a few accounts of different, sometimes conflicting experiences with this and exercise caution.
You may load up to $3,000 per teen card per 30 days (not calendar month), but you may only have a maximum balance of $2,000 per teen card at any time.
You may withdraw $60 per week (!) via ATM. TD ATMs are free, non-TD ATMs have an additional $3.00 fee on top of whatever the ATM itself may charge. Also, checking your balance at a non-TD ATM will cost you $3.00.
Point of Service (POS) transactions, PIN or signature, are free.
You may obtain cash back via PIN POS, up to the balance on the card, or any limits imposed by the store you are in, whichever is less.
There seems to also be a $2,000 limit on transactions per rolling 7 days, which I can't find in the documentation, but was reported to me by a CS agent over the phone.
There is a $2.50 monthly Inactivity fee after 12 months of inactivity, and a 3% charge for using the card outside of the US.
There are a few other fees on the card that you are less likely to run into. For further information, please see the Terms of Service document, which you should read carefully for ANY new financial product in which you are planning to participate, regardless of how confident you are that you know how it works.
One other interesting feature of this program is that they encourage people other than the Account Owner to fund the teens' cards. Each other family member or friend will need to sign up with a profile, live in one of the states listed above, and provide their SS#, but they can then fund the teens' cards online or over the phone as the Account Holder would.
What to do with a funded card:You can purchase things, using Pin Debit or signature in stores, or online. You can get a small amount of cash back at TD ATMs. You can get cash back at registers when making a purchase. You can probably fund AP, BB/Serve and Evolve, though I have not personally verified that, and I know nothing about the potential dangers of doing so. Some report that you can pay your Citi CC bill over the phone using it as a DC, which it is.
And shockingly enough, you can even give a card to your teen so that they can start learning financial responsibility.