Hello. My name is Denise and I live in Chile. Since there is a a discount award in United to Chile and Brazil maybe some of you are interested in visiting.
Chile has a small frum community, aroung 200-300 families. There is around 12.000 jews in total, most of the asimilated. We have a chabad house, Aish HaTorah and a Yeshivish shul.
There are 3 kosher restaurants in Chile:
www.kosh.cl). They sell pizza, sushi and pasta. The sushi is very good and they have cholov israel option if you ask.
http://www.falafelasly.com/). They sell falafel and shwara.
http://www.bagelsandco.cl/). The bagels and pastries are made in chabad. The lettuce in the salads are not checked for bugs, but you can eat everything else. Is very good and is located more centric.
There is a few caterers that can prepare take out food. This is the list:
Shem Tov (Ernesto Vasershten)
Email: shemtovkosher@yahoo.com
Guitty Schwartz/Eva Vaizer
Email: comidakosher@gmail.com
Ester Dines
Email: estherbenmaman68@gmail.com
Since the community is not so big we have an open kosher list that is big enough so you can find almost all the kosher products in every supermarket. The webpage is
www.chilekosher.cl/ and you can download the list. They also have an app.
We have an eruv in Santiago.
What to see in Chile?
Since chile is a very long country we have very different weathers and things to do:
1. Skying: Close to Santiago (about an hour) there are a few sky resort. They are beautifull and many people around the world come to sky here. Some of them are: Valle Nevado (
http://www.vallenevado.com/en/), La Parva (
http://www.laparva.cl/), El Colorado (
http://www.elcolorado.cl/) y Farellones (
2. The South of Chile. There are many nice cities that is worth it to visit, like Pucón, Chiloé, Punta Arenas, Frutillar. Most of the places have lakes and volcanos. Also you can do many sport adventure, like rafting, hiking, canopy, fishing and many more)
3. The North of Chile. The north is dessert and there many nice thing to see for exaple the Tatio Geysers (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Tatio) and the Flowering Dessert (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flowering_desert) . There is also a salty lake like the dead see in Atacama. Also the north of Chile is famous for the rescue of the 33 miners.
Let me know if you need more information!